Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In The Beginning

Introduction: This blog is intended cover end of life issues as well as psychotherapy, social work, and emotional health. There are so many issues to cover but in the beginning I will address common themes such as advance directives, hospice care, end of life choices, and education about the dying process. Other important topics include: coping with grief, loss, and continuing to find a space in our self for the loved one who has died. I will begin with portions of my e-book "Caterpillar, Cocoon, Butterfly". I will also share my experiences and stories from the bedside that have enlightened me on my journey. My hope is to banish myths about dying and light the way so that fear and anxiety can be reduced. This is relevant for us regardless of age and especially in dealing with our agin parents and family. I have worked with the prepared and unprepared but both still need more support, information, and preparation. I have been amazed at what I have learned so far and hope you can benefit. Thank you for reading and please comment.